What are the right and wrong ways to pick up my kitten?

A lot of people talk about scruffing the kittens because that's what their moms do, but really we don't want to scruff them. You don't want to pick them up by their neck fluff. You can just pick them up underneath the arms, scoop their bottom, you just want to hold them tight because they are wiggly little guys and they like to climb and jump.

Dr. Brittany Bueter
Hebron Animal Hospital

How can I tell if my kitten is happy and healthy?

Typically just by the interaction. Purring, we don't necessarily know why cats purr, but we do tend to link that with satisfaction or contentment. But wanting to be around you, coming and taking you out, playing and eating and drinking routinely, that is still pretty normal of a content cat.

How should I feed my kitten?

You definitely want to feed measured routine meals. Free feeding cats leads to obesity. The bag that you get will have a feeding amount on it. You usually want to feed a little bit less than what the bag recommends, but you can divide that up into two meals, three meals, whatever works best for your schedule, but definitely a measured amount of food.

Can I give my kitten regular milk?

Cats are typically actually a little bit lactose intolerant, so milk can kind of upset their guts and cause some gas and stomach upset, so they really don't need regular milk.

When should I start feeding my kitten solid foods?

Usually around like four to five weeks of age. They can typically start to do some solid food. We kind of soften it with some warm water for a bit, kind of make it like a gruel, or just kind of let it soak until about five minutes before they're ready to eat. They can slowly transition to actual hard kibble, usually around six weeks of age when they're doing the softened food pretty well.

What specific kinds of food do you recommend?

We usually like to recommend either Hill's Science Diet, Purina Pro Plan, or Royal Canin, just because we know that they're veterinary-backed and they've been researched for proper growth and maintenance. They're fairly additive low as far as all the extra plump and stuff that you don't need. And then a growing kitten formula until they're spayed or neutered or about six to seven months old.

Does my kitten need to drink any water?

Cats definitely need water. Some love water. Some are more like camels and don't tend to drink a lot. So cats do definitely need water, some like standing water, some like water fountains with the running circulating water. Anything you can do to increase water consumption in cats is good, just for their kidney health, urinary health, dental health, that kind of thing.

What are some products I might need for my kitten?

Honestly, you don't need a lot. You need good food. You can always use kibble for treats. You don't need a lot of the extra packaged treats and things like that.

Kitten Care FAQ

Hebron Animal Hospital

Should I rescue every stray kitten I find?

You shouldn't actually. The most important thing is to assess the situation. There are some kittens that still have a mama around, maybe she's just not there at the moment, and the best thing for a newborn kitten, or even just a young kitten, is that they stay with their mom. So things that you can look for, if the kittens look nice and plump, like this little baby is, that usually means that they're being fed, they're being taken care of, and you should probably leave them there. You can wait out, see if there's a mama that shows up, just to double check, but as long as they look healthy, maybe they're squirming around, that usually means that the mom is still taking care of them. Now, if they seem underweight, they're lethargic, they're not moving around at all, they're kind of skinny, that can be an indication that mama might have abandoned them, might have something else might have happened to her, and at that point, still wait out a little while, just to make sure mama's not coming back, but then you should probably pick them up, rescue them, and take care of them, since mama's probably no longer able to.

What is my first step after picking up a stray kitten?

So especially if they're newborn, like this little girl here, her eyes aren't even open yet, you want to make sure that they're warm, that's the first thing that you should do before even feeding them. So make sure they're warm, you can have a little heating pad, even heated rice in a microwave can be good, so once they're warm, then assess the situation on if they do need to get fed at that moment, and then kind of just go from there.

How do I find out how old a baby kitten is?

So there's lots of different ways, they develop very quickly, so actually the kitten lady, Hannah Shaw, she has amazing resources on how to age a kitten, finding out exactly how old they might be. This little kitten right here, she's only nine days old, her eyes are still closed, she just lost her umbilical cord, so there are lots of different ways to tell how old they are, but I would definitely go to her website, she has a great chart on how to find out how old the kitten is, and from there that'll help you figure out how you need to care for them at that point.

If you have any other questions, please give us a call at (859) 689-4700. You can also email us at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as we are able. Don't forget to follow us on social media: Facebook and Instagram